Colony Collapse

Colony Collapse Disorder

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how you can contribute!

What Exactly is Colony Collapse Disorder?

There are Five Main Causes:

  1. Poor nutrition
  2. Viruses
  3. Mites
  4. Pesticides
  5. Poor Bee Management


Poor Nutrition: We feed our bees supplements, such as protein and sugar. We also make sure to include probiotics into their diets.

Viruses: We make sure all of our bees are happy and healthy by feeding them supplements (in the step above). We are very cautious when it comes to our bees. By taking the correct steps we can ensure that our bees are happy, and reduce the liklihood of contracting any viruses.

Mites: One step we take in treating the mites are the menthol patties. These are all natural made of sugar with added essential oils such as wintergreen, lemon, and tea tree. We place these in the hives, and they almost act like a “mite detterent.”

Pesticides: We make sure to move our bees out of fields that could potentially be sprayed with pesticides. One way we do this is through the BeeAware program, where growers, farmers, pesticide applicators, and beekeepers communicate to make sure we are all on the same page.

Poor Bee Management: This happens when people aren’t educated enough about the bees, and allow them to suffer under unfortunate circumstances. This is why it is very important to us to make sure we educate the public, and make known the factors that can contribute to colony collapse disorder as well as the steps you can take to make a difference in the community.

What You Can Do to Make a Difference

Do you like gardening? Then this is perfect for you!

One simple step you can take is by simply planting and growing wildflowers. Whether you plant flowers in your backyard, or in a community garden, this is essential to the health of a honeybee. Bees gain natural nutrients from flowers, therefore keeping our little friends happy and healthy!