Behind The

Behind The Scenes

Ever wonder what goes into the
honey-making process?

Step 1

We place bees in areas where they will produce honey, such as fields. We put boxes on top of the bee hives, called supers. These allow for more room to store honey. Once the flowers are done blooming, and the bees are done producing honey, we take the supers off. We then take these supers back to our workshop.

Step 2

Once we are back at the workshop, we take the frames (or supers) from the beehive and uncap the wax from the outside of the frame to open the cells. This process is known as “uncapping.” We then put the beehive frames into an extractor which spins the honey, and takes the honey out of the cells of the frame. The honey and wax go through a heat exchanger to warm up. After the honey and wax are warm, they are transferrred into whats called a “spin flow.” This machine seperates the honey from the wax.

Step 3

After this, we transfer the honey into a big stainless steel tank, which is then poured into 55 gallon barrels for storage. When the honey is ready to be used, we heat up the barrel with a heat belt wrapped around it. After it is heated it is poured into another tank, which is pumped into the “bottling machine.” From the bottling machine, we can simply place a glass jar underneath the spout to be filled up.